
Shrink flex items below content size

The Solution at a Glance

Figure out which minimum size property you need to set

Flex items grow and shrink in the main direction set by the flex container. This direction is set by on the flex container. For example, by default, the main direction goes horizontally from left to right.

writing-mode: horizontal-tbdirection: ltrflex-direction: rowINITIALPROPERTY VALUESMain direction

Now that you know the main direction, you need to figure out which minimum size property corresponds to it. For example, if the main direction goes horizontally and your flex item has horizontal writing (that’s the default), then the minimum size property would be either min-inline-size or min-width.

1min-inline-sizemin-widthMain direction

If the main direction went vertically from top to bottom, then the corresponding minimum size properties would be min-block-size and min-height.

1min-block-sizemin-heightMain direction

Set the minimum size property to something else than auto

The minimum size property is auto by default, and that’s why the flex items “protect” their sizes to fit the content.

Applesaretastymin-inline-size: autoMain direction

If you set a value of 0, then our flex item will have no problem being as small as zero pixels. You can change this to whatever you need.

Applesaretastymin-inline-size: 0Main direction

You may end up with overflowing content

If you tell your flex item to stop using this automatic minimum size, it means it might get smaller than some of the content inside. In that case, you may end up with the contents of the flex item overflowing the flex item itself.

Applesaretastymin-inline-size: 0I’ll shrink all the way down to 0I might overflow